Call of Duty: Warzone adds solos mode

You can now play Call of Duty: Warzone in a solos-only mode. Developer Infinity Ward unlocked the solos mode on Tuesday. Call of Duty: Warzone was released for free on March 10 with three-person squads.

If you wanted to play solo, you could disable squad filling — but you’d have to play alone, at a disadvantage to other teams with three players. Now, that’s unnecessary: Unless you want to play at that disadvantage, you can queue up for solos by selecting Battle Royale Solos from the Call of Duty: Warzone menu screen.

Some things change in solos. With no teammates, there’s no one to buy you back into the game should you die; the only option is earning your way back through the Gulag. You can, however, purchase self-revive kits from the Buy Stations around the map or find them elsewhere.

Call of Duty: Warzone is the series’ newly released take on the battle royale genre. It adds some exciting changes to the well-established genre by introducing the Gulag, a one-on-one fight-club-esque way to battle your way back into the fray. It’s available on PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One.

Nicole Carpenter