Fallout 76 NPCs are pretty chill about getting nuked

Fallout 76 has had the ability for players to drop nuclear warheads since launch. Bethesda just added NPCs to the game with its new Wastelanders expansion. What happens when you combine the two elements?

PC Gamer spotted a YouTuber who had accomplished just that. Rattler posted a video to his channel where he nuked the new settlement of Foundation, which is chock full of settlers who are trying to turn Appalachia into their home. They’re pretty stubborn about this being their new, permanent home, which can potentially be a conflict with the player character.

They are so dedicated to staying that not even a nuke deters them. As Rattler showcases, they just put on their hazmat suits and get back to work. One guy even keeps sweeping the floor, which… wow, man. I don’t think that’s necessary, but I respect the hustle.

This isn’t the first time players could nuke a settlement in Fallout; in Fallout 3, players could activate the nuke nestled within the city of Megaton. This was an evil decision, and it also killed everyone in that town (except Moira Brown, who became a ghoul).

However, Fallout 76 takes place in a shared world, and everyone needs to be able to access Foundation if they want to complete all of the new content. Hence, the settlers just go ahead and suit up. It’s a nice touch, even if it is a little silly, and I love the idea of everyone just sighing and pulling out the hazmat suits. Go ahead and nuke them all you want, Fallout 76 players. They ain’t moving.

The new Fallout 76 expansion, Wastelanders, brings human NPCs back to Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic action RPG.

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Cass Marshall