Which edition of Resident Evil 3 should you buy?

Resident Evil 3, Capcom’s latest remake in its hit survival horror franchise, will be released on Friday, April 3. The updated version of the 1999 PlayStation game includes a new multiplayer mode and improved intelligence for the terrifying stalker, Nemesis, as well as “photorealistic visuals and a modernized control scheme”.

Our review found that, like it was in 1999, Resident Evil 3 is overshadowed by its groundbreaking predecessor, Resident Evil 2. However, if you liked that game, you’ll probably also like Resident Evil 3, as it “plays more like an extension of last year’s Resident Evil 2 remake” than a full remastering of the original game.

If you’re planning on picking up the newest game in the Resident Evil series, here’s everything you need to know about the pre-order bonuses and special editions that Capcom is offering.

Resident Evil 3 pre-order bonuses

The official Best Buy-exclusive SteelBook case for Resident Evil 3

Photo: Capcom

All pre-orders of Resident Evil 3, regardless of format or retailer, come with an exclusive “Classic Costume Pack,” which includes Jill Valentine’s original costume from the 1999 game, as well as Carlos Oliveira’s old-school floppy, boy-band-worthy hairstyle.

Best Buy is also offering an extra pre-order bonus of its own, throwing in an exclusive SteelBook case with physical PlayStation 4 and Xbox One copies of Resident Evil 3.

Pre-order Resident Evil 3 here: Amazon | Best Buy | GameStop | PlayStation Store | Microsoft Store | Steam

Resident Evil 3 standard edition

The Nemesis burns in a screenshot from the Resident Evil 3 remake

Image: Capcom

The standard edition of Resident Evil 3 costs $59.99, and includes any relevant pre-order bonuses. It also grants access to the new online “asymmetrical-multiplayer survival experience,” Resident Evil Resistance.

Pre-order Resident Evil 3 here: Amazon | Best Buy | GameStop | PlayStation Store | Microsoft Store | Steam

Resident Evil 3 Collector’s Edition

A promotional image of the collectibles from the resident evil 3 collector’s edition

Image: Capcom

The Resident Evil 3 Collector’s Edition includes the game’s digital soundtrack, as well as a bunch of physical goodies: a Jill Valentine statue, collector’s art book, and a double-sided map of Raccoon City. It all comes packaged in a box bearing the STARS seal.

The Collector’s Edition is a GameStop exclusive, and retails for $179.99. It’s currently sold out, but keep an eye on GameStop (and the @PolygonDeals Twitter account) if you have your heart set on owning those collectibles — Collector’s Editions are often restocked during a game’s release window.

The GameStop-exclusive Collector’s Edition of Resident Evil 3 includes a bunch of collectibles, like a Jill Valentine statuette and exclusive art book.

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Emily Heller